Get Glific Support
If you have a query or you facing any issue while using Glific. Please don't wait and take help from Glific team.
Steps to follow to take support.
Glific Doucmentation
- From the left navigation click on help link.
- It will open a documentation link
- From right top corner click on the search box
- Type the name of feature or functionality.
- It will show the results. Scroll down and find the relevant article content and clcik on it.
- It will open up the document with detailed steps and screen shot.
The documents has all features and possible queries covered anf you will get your answers most of the time. But in case you didnt find the soluction of your queries, then you can connect to Glific Support team.
#2. Glific provides 24 X 7 Chat support on Glific Discord channel Note: - Monday to Friady - Glific team is super active on Discord channel and reposne almost immediately you post your query. on weekend - Satuday and Suday - You can expect a reposne within 2 to 8 hours.
How to get a support on chat
Join the GLific Discord Channel.
Post your query
Join GLific Discord Channel.
- Click on the link -
- Enter your personal email (it should not be your org email) /phone number to create account.
- Once logged in. click on NGO Support channel
Click on New Porst button
Enter the title of the request with your Orgname . For example - Not able to login - NGO Name
Enter the description of the request or issue in "enter the message seciotn". Please share below details to get fast response.
- Your Glific application URL -
- Flow Name -
- Contact Nmae and Phone Number who faced issue -
- Date and time when issue received -
- Steps to replicate it
- Screen shot of the GLific application where issue/ error is thrown
Speak to Support Team for any assistance: Support Hour Call
- Every Tuesday we have Support Hour Call at 3:30 PM, where any one can join and get their queries resolved. We have this for once is a week.
- Google meet Link: =
- Time : 03:30PM (Every Tuesday)