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Facebook Verification Process for WhatsApp Business API

6 minute read                                                                                                                         Beginner

Video Tutorial

Note- We recorded this video somedays back while working with an org. We will re-record a better one in future

Things to keep ready before Facebook Verification-
Below are the 4 things you need to keep handy before you start FB verification, as you would need to add these details at different points in verification.

  1. Registration certification- Required to verify the registered name and branding (you can read more about this in next session)

  2. Utility bill (Electricity bill/Internet/Mobile bill)- Required to verify the name of the organization, the address, and phone number i.e (BOT number). If the BOT number is not available. Please match the exact address

  3. Bank statement- Required to verify the organization name and address.

  4. Phone number on which you would like to run the chatbot Make sure that this phone number should not be associated with WhatsApp Business or WhatsApp application. Needs to be active for the use so that you can get sms/call for verification. It could be running on a basic monthly plan.

Creation of FB Business Manager

Create your Facebook Manager or claim it for an existing page : Click here to know how Create a Business Manager

Branding Consistency

For smooth FB verification to happen, it is very important for your organization branding to be consistent with your registered entity name. Here are a few guidelines/workaround for the same-

  1. Your Facebook page and domain name should be exactly the same or close to the registered business name. If that's not the case, For eg- Glific Two-Way Communication Inc. is the registered name but the Facebook page name is Glific, and the website is, and email id is, then you would need to explicitly mention on your website about page that "Your organization name is Glific Two-Way Communication Inc. but popularly goes by the brand Glific". You may add it in any words you'd like but it needs to be very clearly mentioned.

  2. This applies also to cases where you may have subsidiary programs such as Chat for change is the program by Glific which has an FB page, website, etc…but the registration certificate is in the name of Glific Two-Way Communication Inc. You would need to get approval for the registered business entity.

  3. Once this is done, you can give a specific display name to the chatbot which is relevant to the program and not the main entity. So, the chatbot name can be Chat for change but again, it should show a clear connection with the main entity Glific Two-Way Communication.

  4. Since you may also need to later verify your domain(website) you need access to your website codebase or have a valid email id for the domain such as

Facebook Verification Process

  1. Log in using a Facebook account connected to your Business Page.

  2. Access Meta Business Suite:

  3. Click on the downward-facing arrow in the top-right corner of the Facebook interface to open the dropdown menu.

  4. Select "Meta Business Suite" from the dropdown menu.

  5. Access Settings: Within the Meta Business Suite, click on "Settings." image6

  6. Navigate to Business Setting: Inside the Settings, locate and click on "Business Setting."

  7. In the Business Setting section, you may find options to update your business details, including the Legal Business Name, Address,and Contact Number. Ensure that the business phone number matches the BOT number. image1

    Note: The address you enter should match the document you'll be submitting for verification

  8. Check Linked Facebook Page:Go to the "Accounts" section on the left-hand side.

  9. Under "Accounts," click on "Pages" to check if your Facebook Page is correctly linked to your Business Manager. image2

  10. Configure Brand Safety and Suitability Settings: In the left-hand menu, locate and click on "Brand Safety and Suitability."

  11. Under this section, you should find an option for "Domain." Click on "Add a domain." image3

Additional Notes on Adding a Domain:

When adding a domain, only include the domain name itself without "www." at the beginning. For example, if your domain is "," you should enter it as ""

image4 image5

It usually takes 3 to 7 working days to get verified. You can if Facebook is verified for not under Business Info. Once your Facebook is verified, please start the process to create an account on Gupshup.

Video Tutorial

Note- We recorded this video somedays back while working with an org. We will re-record a better one in future

Next, go to and click on sign up


  1. Then create your account using Google(preferred) and using a common email id like or instead of a personal email id so that it can be accessed by different team members when something fails to work. Complete the Signup.


  1. A verification mail will be sent on the updated email address. Please verify the link by logging into your email account. Once verification is done. Please login using the credentials.


  1. Under Have you been referred? please select Yes, by an ISV/Partner option. Click on Proceed.

IMPORTANT NOTE : This is a mandatory step to receive OTP’s for your password reset.


  1. Please fill in the Company/Organization details.


  1. Click on the Create your first App button.


  1. Create an App page will open up. Click on the select Access API button.


  1. Enter an app name (No space or special characters allowed). This is something internal and not visible to your end users & also it cannot be changed once setup is completed. So you can go for something like GlificChatbot or TamilNaduChatbot etc…


  1. Once the App name is entered. It will show as Created successfully. Click on Go to Dashboard.


  1. After creating the app you will be redirected to the what app dashboard(image below). Click on the Go live button.


  1. On the Next step click on Get started button under Instant onboarding with Facebook embed.


  1. Select the Country and scroll down to click on the Proceed button.


  1. Enter the details of a contact person from your organization (It should be someone who would be managing chatbot work for the organization) & click Nextbutton.


  1. Click on Confirm button.


  1. Click on Continue with Facebook in the next page. It will redirect to Facebook login page.

Continue with Facebook

  1. Configure read receipts in the Gupshup account. Please refer to Configure read receipts in Gupshup account for detailed steps.

  2. On FaceBook Registration. Click on Continue with FaceBook button.


  1. Select your business page with which you want to setup your WhatsApp chatbot. and Click Continue.


  1. Enter display name of your business. This will be visible to your users. The display name should be similar to your brand identity and not different like Glific Two-Way Communication can't be GTWC. GTWC will get rejected.


  1. You will get a message Account has been setup. Click on Continue to Step 2


  1. Select your business category like Non-Profit. And add your organisation details


  1. Enter your Chatbot numberand click on send code. SelectText message



  1. Click OK


  1. Go back to your Gupshup account/tab. Select your BOT number and click on Confirm


  1. Click confirm on the next screen


  1. Click on Go to Dashboardbutton on Congratulations page. Your setup is complete.


  1. Then go to the Security Centre page on Facebook business manager. You should find the button activated. In case it doesn't get activated instantly, you may give it some time. If it's taking longer than a few hours, contact us.


  1. If you still don't see or get access to start verification, go to News Pages in your business manager, add your page and then click on verify your business.


  1. The process is straightforward after that. You will be required to verify your business by uploading some documents. Please refer to this document for verification guidance:

  2. As the doc will mention, using Certificate of registration is highly recommended to not get the approval process rejected. Please make sure your provided business details exactly match with the detail in the document.

  3. Once done, Facebook will take 3-4 days to review and you will receive an email once this is done. The button in the Security Centre will also have changed. Please reach out to us in case it's taking more than a week. We'll reach out to FB to expedite the process.

  4. While the Facebook business is getting verified, you can send us a request to set up a glific account. (Note : Billing will start as soon as the account is set up) . To set up you account send us your details here: after clicking on continue button

    1. App Name (see step 11 above)
    2. Your chatbot phone number (what you used in step 25)
  5. API key For API key, go to Gupshup Home>> Dashboard >> Profile Settings on Gupshup page and click on your profile image to get your API key.


After Glific setup:

Update the Gupshup settings with a callback URL. (we will provide you with the callback URL to add)

Steps to update the Callback URL.

  1. Click on the App name in the Dashboard.


  1. Click on Webhook option on the top. Then enter the Callback URL in the Box below & click on Set button.
