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Managing Gupshup Wallet Balance and Suspension

3 minute read                                                                                                                         Beginner

Managing Gupshup Low Wallet Balance & Glific Suspensions

  • When the Gupshup wallet balance drops to around $1 an email is sent to the Organization from Glific letting them know the balance is low.

  • The setting of $1 or any specific amount is configurable at Glific’s end.

Below are the steps on how this can be configured.

  1. Login to the Glific Account

  2. Go to Settings

  1. Click on Organization>> Scroll down

  2. See the Low Balance threshold


Essential Guidelines

  • The pre-configured number on the low balance threshold can to be changed according to the Organization need,just edit the number and hit on Save.

  • This low wallet balance warning emails will be sent to the email address which was initially provided while filling the Glific Form.

  • If in case the previous email address is not accessible or needs to be modified. Please reach out to the Support Team sharing the email address which needs to be set on the warning mails.

  • Gupshup gives an extra $5,when the wallet balance reaches $0 so that there is no interuption in sending of messages until the balance hits -$5. The Organization should always ensure to recharge the Gupshup Wallet before the -$5 gets expired to continue sending messages.

  • Please read here to know how to recharge Gupshup Wallet Balance.

  • If the balance goes below -$5,sending messages will give an error - the wallet balance is low. So in this scenario the messages will get delivered to the users until the Gupshup wallet balance reaches -5 $.

  • Glific gets a balance is not present error from Gupshup as soon as the wallent balance for an Organization goes -$5.

  • At any moment of time if Glific gets a significant amount of errors,the organization will get suspended on Glific and won't be allowed to send any messages.

  • Once the organization is suspended it won't get unsuspend automatically on Glific,even if the recharge is done on the Gupshup Wallet.

  • To unsuspend the Glific account please reach out to the Support Team.