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4 minute read                                                                                                                         Beginner

Glific provides search functionality to NGO staff to find contacts from a large set of contacts list.

Search contacts

  1. Login to Glific and click on the chats menu from left panel.
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  1. You will find search option on the right side on the chats screen.
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  1. You can type the name of the contact, phone number, any message keyword , or even message tags, that you feel is related to the contacts you want to search for.

  2. Click on X icon to remove your search results.

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  1. You can apply more parameters to refine your searches such as Keyword, tags, groups, staff and date etc... Click on Advanced search icon to get more options.
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  1. Select the relevant options and Click on Search button.
  1. Search results will be shown in the contacts list panel under search section. It will broadly show under Tags, Massages, Contacts.

Saved Searches

  1. You can also save the search results to quickly access it in future. The saved searches are visible above the search box. Refer Dynamic search for contacts in Glific to know more about saving searches.
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Dynamic Search

Search functionality in Glific provides you to search the contact not only on the basis of the name or phone number, but you can configure the search criteria and use it for future use.

Default Searches

  1. All - Shows all contacts.
  2. Not Replied - Shows contacts list whose messages were read but not replied to yet.
  3. Not Responded - Shows contacts who have not responded yet to the messages.

Create new Search Criteria

  1. After login click on the Quick toolsand then on searches menu from the left panel.
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  1. Click on +Create button to create new search criteria.
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  1. Add the details of the search criteria in Add A New Search page.

    1. Title - Title of the search criteria you want to save with.
    2. Description - Description of the search criteria.
    3. Name,Label,Keyword - Any keyword you want to assign with search criteria.
    4. Includes labels - Select already created Tags from the dropdown to add them to this search criteria.
    5. Includes Collection - Select created Groups from the dropdown to add them to this search criteria.
    6. Includes Staff - Select staff members from the dropdown to add them to this search criteria.
    7. Date Range - Select the date range, to search the contacts chatted within the specified date range. Use expression - You can use date expression for dynamic dates like ‘Last 2 days’ instead two days between two fixed dates.
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  1. Click on Save button.


  1. Verify the new create search in the list of searches for future use.
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  1. Click on the Edit icon or the Three Dots > More > Delete icon to edit or remove the search
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  1. To view Saved Searched click on Searches link from right pannel
  1. It will show the links to saved searches. Click on any of the saved searches it will show the list of contact which matched the criteria.